Thursday, December 17, 2015

Thursday, December 10, 2015


Today was our second-to-last-week of class.  We play-tested each others board-card games.  I liked the card game called "Bionic Mayhem" because it was kind of a Magic: The Gathering-esque card game because it was challenging and it made you think carefully about each card that you used and the decisions that you made.  Because our board-card game takes long to play and finish, Emil didn't get any time to play-test our board-card game, so next week/the final week he will be playing it.  Ryan's group found alot of bugs in our board-card game.  Next week is our final week of class and/or our final class period, so we will be doing reviews and retrospectives.

Thursday, December 3, 2015


Today in class we continued play-testing our board-card game "Demon's Wraith".  We played Ryan's groups board-card game: "Maelstorm" and gave them some feedback on it and his group did same for our board-card game.  I thought that their groups board-card game: "Maelstrom" was unique and different, but like most of the board-card games made in this class it had some bugs.

Sunday, November 29, 2015


Today was the first day in class that we got to play our board-card game called "Demon's Wraith".  During own first play-through of our board-card game we really got to see how everything worked and what didn't work.  Our game board at this time have red sticky notes with words on them for the spaces.

Thursday, November 19, 2015


Today was our last day in class before Thanksgiving break.  So we play-tested the crap out of our board-card game.  We tweaked and added some things to our board-card game, like the addition of of troll spaces, where you either "pay the troll toll" which means you lose 5 HP, or you give-up and/or discard 1 treasure card from your hand.  Our original game board had red sticky notes with words on them for the spaces, but then George Madison just drew the spaces and wrote the words on our game board.

Sunday, November 15, 2015


Today in we play tested our board-card game twice.  For the first game/play test I was Mackeon Swift-Shield the knight.  I wanted to be knight for the second game/play test but George Madison thought that we should mix things up a bit, so we randomly picked our characters and so I got Isott of the Light the cleric.


Today in class we were working on our board-card game.  We were coming-up with some ideas for it and made a Google Doc for our board-card game ideas.  We ultimately came up with a fantasy-esque board-card game called "Demon's Wraith".  There are 4 characters to choose from, a knight, a cleric, an archer, and a mage, each with their own unique weapon and abilities.  Your primary objective is to defeat all 4 bosses in each 1 of their dungeons.  Philip Lor and I came-up with and made the weapon cards, which consisted of 4 different weapons, a sword (knight), a hammer (cleric), a bow and arrow (archer), and a staff (mage).  I came up with the idea and now feature in our board-card game that we should use a 6-sided die and that rolling a 5, you move backwards 1-space and rolling a 6, you don't move/advance any spaces.  Once we we get a bigger game board we will be using a 8-sided die.